We have new development at our house...Abby has too many kids. It's not that we don't think it's cute -- it's just that we don't have enough time in the day. As with many 3 year olds, Abby marches to her own drummer...especially when it comes to timeliness. (Note: Mommy has NO idea where she gets this!) Anyhow, she now has to put all of them at the dinner table and to bed. This is VERY time consuming. Tonight, she was breastfeeding a pig. How does she have enough milk for all these kids?? I need her secret. So, I decided to have a conversation with her about getting rid of some of them or sending some on vacation. She responded by saying, "No, Mommy. They are all my kids. God gave them to ME."
p.s. Daddy noticed that all the kids aren't even pictured -- maybe they're in the backpack???
Bloggy love,
2 days ago
Wow, that is a lot of beds & chairs! How many bedrooms is that place!! :) She is just too cute!
Wow! Get ready for LOTS of grandkids someday! ~BFF
How cute! I love the picture! It's rally lovely..
So no stuffed animals or dolls for Christmas??? LOL
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